Birthday Girl

Hi guys, I'm back!

It's been a while since I posted anything. A lot has happened since then.. I got back to Finland, I have moved to my own apartment, I just turned 20 last weekend, I'm enjoying my current job as a sales representative and so forth.

All this hustle is starting to settle down so I can focus on writing my blog more often and create new content on my YouTube channel as well.

 As I mentioned, I just turned 20 - yay! Last Saturday (11.11.) was my birthday, and now this young lady is an adult, I guess ;D No, but really, it's not about the age! You can be 30 and behave like a teenage girl and vice versa. On my birthday, my boyfriend had got me beautiful roses - as everyone knows, women love flowers, right? He also had a cozy dinner ready for us when I got home, and I got this gorgeous handmade African dress t-shirt to match with him. Both of them were designed by him and his friends. How cute!

Have a lovely Monday! I'm enjoying my day off :)
